Electric carsharing in Copenhagen and beyond

Green Mobility cover image of Copenhagen showing the lake and the urban buildings.

The details

Powered by Wunder Fleet, GreenMobility offers easy transportation to private consumers and companies in 7 different cities across Europe. Their operational expertise, coupled with Wunder Mobility’s technology, has created the foundation for steady growth and profitability in the share mobility space.

Green Mobility and Wunder Mobility share the vision to replace car ownership by car sharing with a fleet that is 100% run by e-vehicles

100% Electric vehicle fleet

100k+ Customers on the platform

2020 Reached profitability

7 Cities around Europe

GreenMobility customer image card of a Green Mobility sharing car driving on the streets of Copenhagen.
Green Mobility customer hero image featuring a caucasian man standing beside a car while looking down at his mobile device in Copenhagen.

Wunder Mobility helped us move [from] a platform that didn’t really work onto a better platform.

Steffen W. Frølund
Chief Marketing Officer, Green Mobility

Get in touch

Reach out and a member of our team will be in touch ASAP.