Wunder Marketplace / Integrations (API)
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IoT Connector

Cut running costs & stay in full control of your vehicle fleet with the Wunder IoT Connector.


The Wunder IoT Connector API is the bridge between your IoT devices and our standardized Wunder Fleet APIs. No matter what kind of hardware or vehicle is trying to talk to Wunder Fleet — the IoT Connector makes sure that both always understand each other.

With the Wunder IoT Connector interface you can manage all your devices efficiently in once central place through easy-to-use interface.

App screenshot for IoT Connector 1

View & monitor all you IoT devices in one place

Don’t loose track of what is going on — see all your devices and their status, like battery level, in a comprehensive table.

Quickly find the devices you’re looking for with smart filters and sorting.

App screenshot for IoT Connector 2

Onboard & manage multiple IoT devices at once

Integrate thousands of vehicles at once and configure them with just a few clicks.

Our smart configuration feature allows to update multiple vehicles with just one click.

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Configure & adjust device settings centrally

Regulations in one of your markets changed? With configuration presets you define, manage, and update device settings centrally. Set parameters, e.g. local speed limit, once and assign that configuration to multiple devices. Simple as that!

App Details

Works with

logo of wunder fleet

Partner details:

This App requests access to

  • Fleet API Credentials

Getting started with IoT Connector

Get in touch

Hit "Let's go" to reach out to us — one of our account managers will get back to you in no time.

Setting everything up

After you decide to use the Wunder IoT Connector, our team guides you through every step towards setting everything up.

Good to go!

The connector is working in the back, keeping all your devices connected. Use our easy-to-use admin interface to setup, monitor, and configure your devices